Technical Support Update: Access Issue on MapAll Portal

Yesterday, a technician reached out with the following message:

"Hey, I'm having a problem accessing the MapAll portal on my new device. I keep getting a 'no access to portal' message."

Root Cause

This issue arises from the specific user role assigned to technicians. Technicians are only granted access to the MapAll mobile application and not the portal.

The portal access is exclusively available to managers and office users. This role-based access control ensures that users have the appropriate permissions based on their responsibilities.


To resolve the access issue, there are two potential solutions:

  1. Role Reassignment: If the technician requires access to the portal for their tasks, their user role needs to be updated to either a manager or office user by an admin.
  2. App Access: If portal access is not necessary, the technician can continue using the MapAll mobile app for their duties.

Moving Forward

We recommend reviewing user roles and permissions to ensure all team members have the necessary access to perform their duties effectively. For any further assistance or role modification requests, please contact the admin team.


Should you require further assistance or need more detailed instructions, do not hesitate to contact our support team or consult our Knowledge Base for additional resources.

If you require more personal guidance or wish to discuss the updates further, please feel free to Meet with Customer Support.