
Check out our latest features and improvements: - Displayed Cable Lengths Now Also Include Loop Lengths - Subduct Feature in Planning Tool Displays New Row "Tubes Used" - Splicing Diagram Can Be Downloaded as Image

This article is designed to inform you about the latest enhancements, sorted by themes for convenience. Visual aids included in our Knowledge Base articles will walk you through these upgrades. If you require more personal guidance or wish to discuss the updates further, please feel free to Meet with Customer Support.

Displayed Cable Lengths Now Also Include Loop Lengths

We've updated the displayed cable lengths feature to now include loop lengths. This enhancement provides a more comprehensive and accurate representation of your cable requirements, helping you plan and manage your projects with greater precision.

To see this feature in action, navigate to your project overview and check the cable length details. The loop lengths are now integrated into the total displayed cable length, offering a clearer overview of your project's cable needs.

Displayed Cable Lengths Now Also Include Loop Lengths

Subduct Feature in Planning Tool Displays New Row "Tubes Used"

Our planning tool's subduct feature has been improved to include a new row labeled "Tubes Used." This addition makes it easier for you to track and manage the usage of subduct tubes within your projects, enhancing your overall planning efficiency.

To utilize this feature, access the subduct section in your planning tool. You'll now see the "Tubes Used" row, providing a detailed view of the tubes utilised in your project planning.

Subduct Feature in Planning Tool Displays New Row Tubes Used

Splicing Diagram Can Be Downloaded as Image

We have introduced the ability to download splicing diagrams as images. This new functionality allows for easy sharing and documentation of your splicing plans, ensuring that all stakeholders have access to clear and precise visual representations.

To download a splicing diagram, simply navigate to the splicing section of your project, and select the "Download as Image" option. This will save the diagram in a convenient image format for your use.

Splicing Diagram Can Be Downloaded as Image

We hope these updates enhance your experience and streamline your workflow. As always, your feedback is invaluable to us. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.

We'd like to offer a more personalised touch to your update experience. If you prefer a guided walkthrough of these new features and releases, you're welcome to schedule a one-on-one meeting with us. This is an excellent opportunity to ask questions and see how these updates can specifically benefit your projects.