How to Install Multiple Cables and/or Subducts

Upgrading network infrastructure or initiating new builds requires precision and efficiency. Mapall Build 2.0 now supports simultaneous installations of multiple cables and subducts, streamlining operations in the following jobs:

New Build

•Rope and Cable

•Subduct Installation

Route Proving

•Standard Route Proving

Follow these steps to leverage this new capability effectively:


1. Check in to the job: To get started, click on a section with multiple cables.

2. Select a section: Select all the cables and/or subducts you want to install by tapping their names on the right-side menu.

3. Select the cables / subducts: After selecting the cables and/or subducts, fill in the details for Access Point 1 and Access Point 2 followed by the cable status.

4. Fill in the details & save: Once happy, review all the details and press the "Save Section Details" button once you're happy with the information entered.

Watch our Tutorial:


With the introduction of the ability to install multiple cables and/or subducts simultaneously, Mapall Build 2.0 enhances your capacity to manage and execute complex installations efficiently. By following these steps, you ensure that every aspect of your infrastructure upgrade or new build is handled accurately, saving time and resources.

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This is an excellent opportunity to ask questions and see how these updates can specifically benefit your projects.