Create blockage - Box Desilt

Steps to create blockage form when box need to be desilted

  • Save details for box 1. If box 1 needs to be desilted click 'Yes'. Following message will appear:

    Note if the first box needs to be desilted is not possible to record blockage. Box 1 needs to be cleaned first. Click 'No' to proceed. 

  • Following screen will appear. Click 'Yes' and proceed as same steps to add box 2. Steps can be found here: How to create blockage

  • Note that after adding details for box 2 will not be possible to record a blockage because the box 1 need to be cleaned. The report of box desilt can be checked in More Info - Defect Outbox - Sent Reports 

  • The report to the manager will appear as example below: