How to record a blockage A55

Instructions to create blockage in MapAll App

  1. Login to your MapAll account. Home Page will appear.

    - Tablet screen

           - Phone Screen


  2. Click on the “+” button – Following options will appear:

    • Add cabinet defect
    • Add blockage defect
    • Click “Block Defect”

  3. The screen “New Asset Defect” will appear and the pin location will be where the device is located.

  4. Fill Up with information requested and Click “Save General Details”

  5. The following screen shows the Box 1 location. If it is not reflecting accordingly, click on the Pencil button to edit or you can also drag and drop the pin to the correct location.

  6. Click “Save Location”          

  7. Box 1 details screen will appear.

    • Select Box type
    • Select where is located: Footway or Carriageway
    • Click on the button “Add Photo”: you can take a picture or upload one
    • Click “Save Box Details”

  8. The following message will appear. Select Yes or No.

    • If the answer is NO, keep following the next steps.
    • If the answer is YES, goes instructions for Box Desilt

9.   Box details screen will appear.
  • Select the number of duct ways.
  • Choose the duct that is being used
  • Click Save
  • Select the number of cables in the duct
  • Press “Save Details”.

PS: if a new track or duct is required blockage cannot be recorded.

10. A screen page to add Blockage will appear.

  • Move the pin to confirm the blockage location and “Save Location.’

11.   Choose Blockage 1 details

  • Add photo
  • If re-route is possible switch on the button then confirm if re-route was tested.
  • Save Blockage
  •  A question box will appear. If need to record a new blockage press Yes. If not, proceed to add the Box 2 location  

12.   Box 2 Location screen will appear. If it is not reflecting accordingly, click on the Pencil button to edit or you can also drag it to the correct location. Click “Save Location”.

13.   Box 2 details are required. Follow the same process for box 1.

  • Select the number of duct way
  • Select which duct is being used and click “Save”
  • Add Photo
  • Save Box details  

14. The following message will appear for Box 2. Select Yes or No.

  • If the answer is NO, keep following the next steps.
  • If the answer is YES, goes instructions for Box Desilt

15.   Other details screen will appear. Select the following options if required.

  • If Requires traffic management, please select type and speed restrictions.
  • Add any comment if required
  • Press "Finish"

16.   You can review all the details on the last screen. If everything is correct press “Save & Exit”.

17.   In “More info” click “Defect Outbox”. The job created will appear there.


To access video instructions, please refer to this link: