About Forms

This article highlights all the information relevant to Forms in MapAll.


  1. About Forms
  2. Forms Categories
  3. Form Builder
  4. Run Reports
  5. How to access the Forms tab of the Admin Settings

About Forms in MapAll

Forms in MapAll facilitate the creation, editing, viewing, and assigning of different types of forms to various areas of the system and users. This ensures that field operations are thoroughly documented, helping to maintain safety standards and operational efficiency.

The forms are created in an easy-to-use Form Builder that gives the user the ability to add a range of components while previewing how the form will look. These components can be set as required or, in some cases, restrict user progress in the event of a "failed submission."

Users are required to complete or submit the available forms based on the categories in which they were created and, in some cases, the job workflow to which the form has been designated.

Once a form has been submitted, the form submissions are made available for online viewing and download.


Forms categories

Form categories are a set of categories from which forms can be created. Each category determines the specific circumstances under which a form is required to be completed or can be submitted.

The following list contains all available form categories, along with a description for each category:

  1. Pre-workflow forms: Must be completed immediately after the crew has checked in for the first time. Field users will only be permitted to commence work once the form has been submitted correctly.
  2. Crew check-in forms: Must be completed immediately after the crew has checked in to a job in progress. Field users will only be able to continue working once the form has been submitted correctly.
  3. Crew check-out forms: Must be completed before the crew can check out of a job. Field users will only be able to check out once the form has been submitted.
  4. Forms for job completion: Prerequisite for completing a job. Field users will only be able to complete a job once the form has been submitted.
  5. Forms for assets: Submitted on demand and associated with selected assets (e.g. when a user selects poles).
  6. Generic project forms: Submitted on demand and associated with projects.
  7. Generic app forms:

Each category is an expandable component that when collapsed, displays the Form category name, + Add a new form button and, when clicked, reveals the following information and options to the user:

  1. Form category name, which shows the category name (e.g. "Pre-workflow forms"),
  2. Form category description, which shows the category description (e.g. "Forms will appear at the beginning of a job after the crew have checked in."),
  3. List of available forms for the category, in the form of a table with the following columns, starting from left to right:

    1. Title, which shows the title that has been given to the form,
    2. Description, which shows the description given to the form,
    3. Form type, which shows the category selected for the form, either one of the following:
      1. Risk Assessment,
      2. Vehicle Check,
      3. Hazard Report,
      4. Utility Strikes.
    4. Created on, which shows the date on which a form was created,
    5. Created by, which shows the name and surname of the user who created a form,
    6. Workflows, which shows the workflows to which a form has been assigned,
    7. + Assign button, which allows the user to assign or unassign workflows for a form,
    8. Duplicate form button, which allows the user to duplicate a form (represented by a stack of documents icon (🗐))
    9. Edit form button, which allows the user to edit the current version of a form (represented by a pencil icon (🖉))
    10. Preview form button, which allows the user to preview the current version of a form (represented by an eye icon (👁))
    11. Delete form button, which allows the user to delete a form (represented by a bin icon (🗑))
  4. + Add a new form button, which allows the user to add a new form by opening the Form Builder.



Form builder




Form components


  1. Title (read-only): Heading type text field, allowing up to 60 characters. (e.g. "Health and Safety")
  2. Subtitle (read-only): Bold text field, allowing up to 255 characters. ) (e.g. "To be completed before works start in the morning")
  3. Paragraph (read-only): Normal text field, allowing up to 255 characters. (read-only) (e.g. "The purpose of this form is to ensure the health and safety of all operatives in the field. It must be completed by any means before the work commences every morning. Should you have any concerns, please contact your supervisor.")
  4. Yes/No (switch): Switch where users can only choose one of two options, true or false. (e.g. "Are the work instructions clear and understandable to all relevant personnel?")
  5. Text field: Add a text input field, allowing the user to submit text up to 255 characters. (e.g. "Questions: Please provide a description for the Health and Safety concern: ")
  6. Dropdown field: Add a list of items, from which only one selection can be made
  7. Upload photos: Add a photo button, allowing users to upload photos (e.g. "Please provide a photo of your laced-up safety boots.")
  8. Multiple choice/checkboxes: Add this field when the user needs to be aware of important information
  9. Alert: Add this field when the user needs to be aware of important information
  10. Divider: Insert a rule that divides content
  11. Yes/No/Not Applicable: Group of 3 options, from which only one selection can be made: Yes, No, Not applicable


Layout & form details


  1. Title (read-only)
  2. Subtitle (read-only)
  3. Paragraph (read-only)
  4. Yes/No (switch)
  5. Text field
  6. Dropdown field
  7. Upload photos
  8. Multiple choice/checkboxes
  9. Alert
  10. Divider
  11. Yes/No/Not Applicable


  1. Title (read-only)
  2. Subtitle (read-only)
  3. Paragraph (read-only)
  4. Yes/No (switch)
  5. Text field
  6. Dropdown field
  7. Upload photos
  8. Multiple choice/checkboxes
  9. Alert
  10. Divider
  11. Yes/No/Not Applicable